
Report on Municipalities’ Covid-19 Communication Published

Marmara Municipalities Union (MMU) published a report on "Municipalities' Use of Websites in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Analysis of the Marmara Region".  The report has been prepared within the framework of MMU’s research on "Database on Marmara Region's Municipalities' Responces Against COVID-19 Pandemic" and aims to reveal the municipalities' initial reflexes to the pandemic.

In the report, the posts shared between 11 March - 1 June 2020 in the websites of municipalities of provinces, districts, and towns that are located in the Marmara Region have been evaluated according to certain themes and sharing frequency. Analyzing a total of 4.584 posts, the report reveals that the medium-scale municipalities with a population range of 40.000-400.000 shared the highest number of posts during the first 3 months of the pandemic. "Health," "Social Service/Social Assistance," and "Environment" are the themes that are mostly shared in the municipalities’ websites respectively during this period. Besides, data shows that municipalities generally shared their COVID-19-related posts on weekdays rather than weekends, and the number of posts shared reduced in time. Another significant finding in the report is that the number of COVID-19 cases had no influence over the total number of posts shared.

To reach out to MMU's COVID-19 report in Turkish, please click here.

MMU’s Database on Marmara Region Municipalities' Combating Practices against COVID-19 Pandemic in Turkish can be reached via: https://data.marmara.gov.tr/afet-yonetimi/covid-19