Legal Affairs Platform

Marmara Municipalities Union Legal Affairs Platform was established after long meetings and evaluations with the legal advisors, legal affairs directors and lawyers of the member municipalities by rearranging the MMU Platforms Operating Regulations to position it on a legal basis.

The Legal Affairs Platform’s works include reviewing the issues that fall under the description of duties of local governments and MMU, developing medium and long-term strategies, determining the issues arising from legislation and implementation, suggesting relevant solutions, and sharing examples of good practices. Following the legislation works concerning local administration and preparing proposals, expressing the issues that municipalities face at the level of Grand National Assembly of Turkey, ministries, other media as well as public institutions and organizations, and offering relevant suggestions and proposals are some of the key purposes of the MMU Legal Affairs Platform.

MMU Legal Affairs Platform works on increasing the knowledge and qualifications of the lawyers of the member municipalities on both national and international law and practices, prepares educational proposals and organizes activities related to this.