Local Government Academy

The Local Government Academy (LGA) is a leading practice-oriented institution dedicated to providing innovative learning programs that drive legislative and vision-building initiatives in the realm of local governance.

LGA's approach revolves around the central role of local governments and the professionals and administrators within them in shaping vibrant, inclusive, accessible, and sustainable cities and resilient urban systems.

LGA's key objective is to foster knowledge exchange within cities through comprehensive learning programs designed across various subjects and scales, supported by meticulously planned implementation processes. Additionally, LGA conducts studies focused on enhancing the quality of urban services under the jurisdiction of municipalities and developing tailored mechanisms to integrate the international urban agenda into municipal practices.

How Does LGA Approach Learning?


LGA's learning programs aim to resonate with the urban landscape and translate into practical applications. LGA conducts research and implements tools that bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and urban practices, seeking to enhance the spatial and social impact of knowledge through workshops, technical assistance, and projects.

Collaborative Learning

LGA's holistic learning programs follow a collaborative pattern, involving partnerships throughout the entire training process, from design to completion. These training programs are developed in collaboration with experts and institutions, with each program intended to create a platform for fostering connections between municipal employees and experts in their respective fields.

Peer-to-Peer Learning

LGA recognizes peer-to-peer learning as one of the most effective learning tools, featuring experience sharing on notable municipal practices within its tailor-made learning programs. This approach values the sharing of practices, learnings, and unlearnings, enhances the visibility of experiences, and harnesses the collective power of municipalities. These programs are further complemented by Mentor, MMU's personnel exchange, and experience-sharing program.

What Tools Does LGA Use?

Tailor-Made Learning Programs

LGA develops distinctive learning programs tailored to the needs of member municipalities through collaborations with national and international experts and institutions, including modules featuring municipalities sharing their experiences on the topic.

Innovative Learning Tools

LGA embraces experimentation with new tools, incorporating numerous innovative learning methods such as theoretical instruction alongside workshops, walkshops, group studies, field trips, and serious games, to ensure the effectiveness and lasting impact of learning programs.

Target Audience with Impact Potential

LGA prioritizes reaching participants capable of applying their educational achievements within their municipalities and communities, ensuring engagement with individuals who can effectively transfer their education to municipal work and drive change.

Inter-Institutional and Interunit Working

LGA aims to foster dialogue and collaboration among municipal departments, creating a platform for projects with contributions from various units, and promoting interdisciplinary working practices within member municipalities.

Measurable and Data-Driven

LGA collects data on the current conditions and needs of municipalities by having participants complete forms before and after the training programs, using this feedback to plan future programs and ensure their ongoing relevance.

Impact Analysis

As a practice-oriented academy, LGA maintains an ongoing dialogue with municipalities and participants to ensure the completion and effectiveness of the training initiatives, providing post-training support as required.