Environment Platform

The Environment Platform brings together the units of the member municipalities working in areas such as Environmental Protection and Control, Waste Management and Cleaning Works. The goal of the platform is to develop solutions to common problems through a holistic perspective, to share experiences and examples of good practices, to raise awareness about sustainable environment and to develop a common understanding between central government and local governments by generating opinions and suggestions about legal regulations that concern local governments.

To this end, the Environment Platform carries out activities such as generating opinions on environmental legislation and preparing legislative proposals, improving communication with stakeholders who will directly or indirectly affect environmental management activities, preparing various data analysis reports by setting up commissions on specific subjects and submitting those reports to the relevant authorities, holding consultation meetings to convey the problems to the relevant ministry and other public institutions/organizations in a holistic way, organizing technical trips related to the environment, ensuring the participation of municipalities that are deemed to be eligible according to the subject and criteria in international projects and collaborations, informing municipalities regularly on environmental sciences within the framework of collaborations with universities.

Environment Platform carries out its activities through 4 separate regional working groups to ensure efficiency and productivity.

Regional Work Groups:

1. İstanbul,

2. Kocaeli – Sakarya – Bilecik,

3. Bursa – Balıkesir – Çanakkale – Yalova

4. Tekirdağ – Edirne – Kırklareli